Innovative GIS Solutions for Transparent Urban Planning and Economic Growth in Rabat-Salé

The Rabat Salé Urban Agency (AURS) has made great strides in transforming urban planning processes and boosting post-pandemic investment through two innovative GIS solutions. These platforms—the
Geoportail and Urban Planning Notes for land use transparency and the Investment Geoportail—have not only solved critical challenges but also demonstrated the immense potential of GIS technology in supporting sustainable urban development.

Solving Urban Planning and Investment Challenges with GIS

One of the major challenges in urban planning is providing transparent, reliable, and accessible information to the public and professionals about land use regulations, zoning, and construction conditions. Prior to implementing the Géoportail system, obtaining this information was a time-consuming and often complex process, leading to delays and confusion for property owners, investors, and urban planners. The Geoportail and Urban Planning Notes service was designed to address these issues by offering an easy-to-navigate online platform that provides users with comprehensive information about property zones, subdivision regulations, and other urban planning requirements. Users can also generate an official urban planning note in PDF format, providing them with a detailed legal framework for land use.

On the investment side, the post-COVID-19 economic downturn posed a significant challenge. Investors were seeking clear and precise information on where to invest, what opportunities were available, and which zones were most suitable for various economic activities. The Investment Geoportail was developed in response to this, offering an intuitive dashboard that enables investors to visualize available land and identify the best investment opportunities based on multiple criteria, such as land use, potential constructability, and location.

The Advantage GIS Gave Us

By leveraging GIS technology, AURS was able to digitize and centralize vast amounts of spatial data into interactive and accessible platforms. This shift from traditional, often paper-based processes to digital GIS solutions resulted in:

  1. Improved Accessibility: GIS made land use information instantly accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time, reducing the need for in-person visits or manual document retrieval.
  2. Enhanced Decision-Making: The ability to perform multi-criteria analyses and visualize data in real-time empowered investors and urban planners to make informed decisions faster.
  3. Streamlined Processes: Both platforms have drastically reduced the time needed to acquire important land use and investment data, making processes more efficient for both the public and professionals.

A More Efficient Approach

The integration of GIS into these urban planning and investment platforms allowed us to find more efficient ways of delivering crucial information. Before, land use documentation could take days or even weeks to obtain, but now, the Geoportail provides instant, real-time access to zoning and planning data. Similarly, the Investment Geoportail offers investors a powerful tool to explore economic opportunities, compare land characteristics, and tailor their search to fit specific needs—an approach that wasn’t possible with traditional methods.

Overcoming Challenges

The biggest difficulty we faced was digitizing and consolidating disparate data sources, some of which were outdated or incomplete. AURS had to ensure that all zoning and planning documents were up-to-date and accurately reflected in the system. This required close collaboration with multiple departments to harmonize and validate the data. Another challenge was ensuring that the platforms were user-friendly, given the technical nature of the information. We invested in user interface design and conducted extensive testing to ensure the platforms would be intuitive for users with varying levels of expertise.

Findings and Results

The launch of both the Geoportail and the Investment Geoportail has had a profound impact:

  1. Increased Transparency: Urban planning information is now publicly accessible, allowing for greater transparency and trust in the decision-making process.
  2. Higher Efficiency: The time needed to access critical urban planning or investment data has been significantly reduced, improving efficiency for both citizens and professionals.
  3. Boost in Investment: The Investment Geoportail has played a key role in revitalizing the local economy by providing investors with a clear, data-driven view of available opportunities, particularly following the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.